優化你的生活品質,你可以模仿的十億美元習慣(科學實證)Optimize Your Life Quality: Billion-Dollar Habits You Can Adopt (Scientifically Proven)
模仿 Tim Ferriss、James Clear、Andrew Huberman 的日常習慣,一起過上更好的生活 Emulate the daily habits of Tim Ferriss, James Clear, and Andrew Huberman to live a better life.
你可以放心,沒有要提倡早起做最重要的事,也不宣傳把握早起黃金 1 小時之類的作法。
這裡只用一般人的角度,萃取我非常欣賞的國外三位大神的每日習慣,Tim Ferriss、James Clear 和 Andrew Huberman,找出我們一般人也可以模仿的每日習慣,優化自己的生活。
Tim Ferriss 是一位超有名的作家和 Podcaster,出過五本書(台灣都有出中文版),其中《每週工作四小時》全球賣出超過 150 萬本,他的 Podcast 節目 The Tim Ferriss Show 已經超過 5 億次收聽數。
James Clear 同樣是一位我長期追蹤的作家,寫出長期霸榜的暢銷書《原子習慣》,全球已賣出超過 300 萬本,他專注分享關於習慣、決策和生產力的內容。
Andrew Huberman 是我最近才認識,但美國已經紅很久的神經科學家和教授,他的 Podcast 節目 Huberman Lab Podcast 多數在聊神經科學方面的知識,幫助更多人了解、善待自己的身體和大腦。
1. 工作習慣
1.1 工作時間
Tim Ferriss 每天工作至少 4.5 小時,James Clear 每天固定 8 小時,從上午 8 點到中午 12 點,加上下午 1 點到晚上 5 點。
Andrew Huberman 沒有特別分享他的工作時間,但逆推他的每日習慣,每天至少也有 8.5 小時。
來個簡單的數學計算,假設職業選手每週投入 8 小時 x 7 天 = 56 小時在訓練上,業餘素人每週只投入 2 小時 x 7 天 = 14 小時在鍛鍊中,這 4 倍差距你覺得誰比較有機會變強呢?
職業選手光投入比較多的時間(例如跑步),每天至少就會和業餘素人拉開 4 倍以上的距離,每天 4 倍的差距累積下來,可不是光靠天賦或熱情可以追上的鴻溝。
1.2 工作姿勢
James Clear 工作的時候會刻意站著,站著可以讓肺部完全擴張和收縮,才能供應足夠的氧氣給大腦工作。
1.3 筆記習慣
Tim Ferriss、James Clear、Andrew Huberman 有不同的筆記習慣,幫助自己在事業上不斷學習、精進。
其中 James Clear 和瓦基(閱讀前哨站站長)一樣,看書的時候遇見有趣、想要保留的段落,會手動一個字一個字抄錄到筆記軟體中。
我會考慮增加手動寫筆記的比例在學習上,雖然動作比 Readwise(一款同步筆記的網路服務)慢很多,但學習比較深刻,也蠻療癒。
2. 運動習慣
2.1 重量訓練
James Clear 在高中是全美明星等級的棒球選手,至今體態還是不錯。Tim Ferriss 雖然不是運動員出身,但他的熱銷書《身體調教聖經》的訓練對比照,他的體態可不輸運動員。而 Andrew Huberman,雖然是神經科學家,但 Google 一下他的照片,如果你是歹徒,絕對不會想挑他下手。
但他們每週花在重訓的時間,每週都控制在 4 小時以內,沒有例外。這意味著,我們一般人也可以用少少的時間,訓練出理想的體態與健康狀態。
一週有 7 天,只要找其中 4 天做點重量訓練,好比深蹲、胸推、划船、二頭,只要有啞鈴(或是水桶、甚至空手),在家就能做到。
James Clear 建議,每次訓練之前,先把要重訓的項目、次數、組數寫下來,就可以減少重訓過程中的思考,降低重訓的阻力,幫助養成重訓習慣。
舉個例子,我用 Notion 做了一個運動記錄資料庫,每次重訓前,就先回顧上週訓練狀況,好比啞鈴胸推在 10/03 總重做了 1028 kg,而細部的重量、次數、組數如圖片一目了然,我只要照著上週的菜單走就行。
2.2 HIIT 高強度間歇訓練
HIIT 高強度間歇訓練是一種很節省時間,又有訓練成效的運動方式,利用短時間內的高強度運動 x 低強度休息互相交替,你就能快速燃燒熱量和提高心肺功能。
Andrew Huberman 的 HIIT 訓練菜單給了我一些靈感,他的 HIIT 菜單是騎自行車(飛輪)全力衝刺 20 ~ 30 秒 + 休息 10 秒,做 8 ~ 12 輪,整套做下來也就 5 ~ 8 分鐘而已。
幾分鐘的 HIIT,長期帶來的是心肺功能變強,肌肉耐力的提升。
我現在想做的,就是學用 Apple Watch 的運動規劃功能,模仿、調整 Andrew Huberman 的 HIIT 菜單,套用在跑步訓練上,希望能夠養出足夠強大的心肺耐力!
如果你想要嘗試 HIIT,我推薦一個很適合新手的影片,只要 10 分鐘就能體驗到 HIIT!(前面會有點累,但後面苦盡甘來)
目前觀看數高達 3723 萬,跟著裡頭的肌肉猛男做看看!
2.3 室內單槓
在研究 James Clear 運動菜單的時候,被他推薦的一款器材吸引:Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Pro,可以既是室內單槓,也能幫助仰臥起坐。
吸引我的原因有兩個,第一個是引體向上這個動作,可以一次訓練到身體很多肌群,是 CP 值很高的動作,但通常要跑去公園才有單槓可以做,不過有了室內單槓,隨時想做就做。
第二個原因是,市面的室內單槓很多需要鎖在牆壁上,安裝很麻煩。或是用逼緊的方式卡在門框,但有點危險而且佔空間。James Clear 推薦的這種室內單槓,可以直接掛在門框上,練完可以收起來。
唯一個缺點是價格偏高,在 Amazon 一個要價 1200 多塊。後來在蝦皮有找到類似產品只要幾百元,到時候買來再來補充感想。
3. 保養大腦
3.1 重視睡眠
Tim Ferriss、James Clear、Andrew Huberman 無一例外,都很重視睡眠,睡眠是生活品質的根。
好的睡眠品質共通點有 4 個:光、聲音、溫度、飲食。
- 睡覺的時候不能有光,會用遮光簾
- 睡覺的地方要夠安靜,會使用白噪音機器
- 睡覺的環境要夠冷,會使用降溫床墊,控制在 18℃
- 睡覺前盡量不吃也不喝,避免消化系統干擾睡眠
針對如何睡個好覺,讓大腦獲得充分的休息,我有分享過更詳細的科學作法,核心原則差不多,請參考這篇:如何提升睡眠品質?科學實證,今晚就能用的 6 招睡眠密技
3.2 攝取咖啡因
相反的,如果起床後先讓皮質醇自然的分泌,2 小時後它會自然的下降,這時候再攝取咖啡因,就能完美的接力下去,把精神保持在穩定的高水準。
專家建議,最好中午過後就不要再喝咖啡(茶葉、紅茶也是),因為咖啡因通常需要 8 小時的代謝時間,如果我固定晚上 10 點睡覺,下午 2 點還在喝咖啡,意思就是咖啡因的提神效果才正要衰退而已,10 點上床一定睡不著。
我的個人經驗是,照顧好晚上的睡眠,培養前面提到的運動習慣(每週才 4 小時而已),長期來看,會是更有效的選項。
3.3 冷水浴
Tim Ferriss、Andrew Huberman 都有泡冷水,不對,是冰水浴的習慣。他們的冰水浴溫度大概 10℃ 上下,還會配合熱桑拿交替循環。
之前也有分享一篇,很少人提到的的好處:創造情緒距離的能力。有興趣可以點進去看。羅洛克電子報 |反思 AI 生產力、冷水澡季節開跑、ikea 溫馨財位佈置|2023 W11
3.4 補充保健品
保健品不只台灣流行,國外也很盛行。Tim Ferriss、James Clear、Andrew Huberman 都有自己的保健品名單。
我整理了 2 款大神有在吃,台灣也容易取得(iHerb)的保健品,主要用來提高每天的活力:
Creatine 肌酸
肌酸除了經過研究證實,可以增加運動表現(重訓舉更重),幫助肌肉生長和恢復,Andrew Huberman 更視它為提高大腦認知能力的保健品。
肌酸網購很好買,也不貴。如果想要嘗試,記得,肌酸的效果需要先養一陣子:前 5 ~ 7 天每天吃 20g(分四次),接下來每天吃 5g,就可以維持、發揮肌酸的效果。
我有時候會忘了吃,所以現在搭配 Tim Ferriss、James Clear、Andrew Huberman 也有的每日習慣:起床喝水,兩者一起服用,一次培養兩種習慣。
Opti-Men 男性綜合維他命
這款是 Andrew Huberman 自己吃很久的綜合維他命,牌子是大廠 Optimum Nutrition(就是常見的乳清品牌 ON),Andrew Huberman 自己也有保健品品牌,但還是推薦了競爭對手的產品,我想至少安全性是有的。
我從 iHerb 買來體驗過後,真心覺得有效,企圖心和動力比較飽滿,不妨試試。
4. Bonus
Tim Ferriss、James Clear、Andrew Huberman 他們三位的每日習慣其實不只這些,再提供 3 個你可能早知道,但這三位其實也有在做的日常習慣。
- 168 斷食,1 天 16 小時禁食、8 小時進食,有助於減少熱量攝取、促進新陳代謝,這可能是一般人最容易執行的健康飲食法了。
- 日記習慣:寫下感恩的事、明天要做的三件事、自由書寫,利用文字幫助自己清空大腦、清理情緒,簡單卻很有效。
- 睡前閱讀:三位睡前都會看 30 ~ 60 分鐘的書。
- 工作習慣:時間足、姿勢正、搭配筆記持續學習
- 運動習慣:每週重訓 4 小時、搭配高強度間歇運動(HIIT)和工具
- 保養大腦:重視睡眠、攝取咖啡因(有技巧)、保健品當輔助
- Bonus:睡前閱讀,讓你一魚三吃
English Version
Rest assured, this is not about advocating waking up early to do the most important things, nor promoting the idea of seizing the “golden hour” of the morning.
From the perspective of an ordinary person, I’ve distilled the daily habits of three international experts I highly admire: Tim Ferriss, James Clear, and Andrew Huberman. These are habits that we can emulate to optimize our lives.
A brief introduction of the three experts:
- Tim Ferriss is a renowned author and podcaster with five books published (also available in Chinese versions in Taiwan). His book “The 4-Hour Workweek” has sold over 1.5 million copies worldwide, and his podcast “The Tim Ferriss Show” has over 500 million listens.
- James Clear is another author I’ve been following for a long time. He wrote the bestselling book “Atomic Habits,” which has sold over 3 million copies worldwide. He focuses on sharing content about habits, decision-making, and productivity.
- Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and professor I’ve recently come to know. He’s been popular in the U.S. for a long time. His podcast, “Huberman Lab Podcast,” mainly discusses neuroscience, helping people understand and take care of their bodies and brains.
All of them are top professionals in their fields. The habits I’m going to introduce are based on their personal experiences or experimentally verified results. Most importantly, these are good habits that we can implement in the long term!
1. Work Habits
1 .1 Working Hours
To become an impressive person, a large amount of daily work is essential. Tim Ferriss works at least 4.5 hours a day, James Clear works a fixed 8 hours from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Andrew Huberman hasn’t specifically shared his working hours, but based on his daily habits, he works at least 8.5 hours a day.
For ordinary people like us, if we want to reach their level of expertise in our careers, investing a lot of time is fundamental. Let’s do some simple math: assuming a professional athlete invests 8 hours x 7 days = 56 hours in training per week, while an amateur only invests 2 hours x 7 days = 14 hours in training, who do you think has a better chance of becoming stronger?
Professional athletes, just by investing more time (e.g., running), will at least create a 4-fold gap with amateurs every day. This 4-fold daily gap accumulates over time and is not something that can be easily bridged by talent or passion alone.
“Working hours” may not seem like an extraordinary daily habit, let alone one that conflicts with “optimizing” the quality of life (how can you have a quality life if you’re always working?). However, the gap between professional athletes and amateurs, and the difference in the quality of life they can create, stems from this seemingly insignificant “working hours” habit. I’m putting it first to remind both myself and you.
Don’t worry, this is the toughest habit among those I’m going to introduce. The rest are much lighter. So, change your mood and keep reading.
1.2 Working Posture
James Clear deliberately stands while working. Standing allows the lungs to fully expand and contract, providing enough oxygen for the brain to function. If you often feel tired after working for a while, pay attention to whether your posture has slipped. If you can’t stand while working, try sitting up straight to allow your chest to fully expand and breathe. Feel it; has your focus improved?
I bought a posture-correcting cushion for my office chair and switched to a height-adjustable desk at home, allowing me to stand while working. It’s indeed more energizing than sinking into an office chair.
More and more people are paying attention to working posture. There are now various types of posture-correcting cushions and height-adjustable desks on the market, and the prices are more affordable than before. I recommend you get one.
1.3 Note-taking Habits(By Hand)
Tim Ferriss, James Clear, and Andrew Huberman have different note-taking habits to help themselves continuously learn and improve in their careers. James Clear and I both manually transcribe interesting or important passages from books into note-taking software when we read.
I’ve also shared similar experiences before. Whether typing or handwriting, you enter a state very close to the author’s thought process and intentions. It helps you understand and perceive what the author wants to express better than just reading or thinking, and your body remembers what you’ve learned better.
I’m considering increasing the proportion of manual note-taking in my learning. Although it’s slower than using Readwise (a note-syncing web service), the learning is more profound and quite therapeutic.
Certainly, here is the English translation of the text you provided:
2. Exercise Habits
2.1 Weight Training
All three experts have a habit of weight training, and you can tell they’ve trained just by looking at their physiques. James Clear was an all-American level baseball player in high school and still maintains a good physique. Although Tim Ferriss is not an athlete, his physique is no less than that of an athlete, thanks to the training regimen in his best-selling book “The 4-Hour Body.” As for Andrew Huberman, although he is a neuroscientist, a quick Google search of his photos will show that he’s not someone you’d want to mess with.
However, they all spend less than 4 hours per week on weight training, without exception. This means that ordinary people like us can also achieve an ideal physique and health status with just a little time.
There are 7 days in a week, and you only need to find 4 days to do some weight training, such as squats, bench presses, rows, and bicep curls. All you need is a dumbbell (or a water bucket, or even just your hands), and you can do it at home.
James Clear suggests that before each training session, write down the items, repetitions, and sets for weight training. This can reduce the mental effort during the training process, lower the resistance to weight training, and help form a habit.
For example, I have created an exercise record database in Notion. Before each weight training session, I review the training status from last week. For instance, on 10/03, I lifted a total of 1028 kg in dumbbell bench presses. The detailed weights, repetitions, and sets are clearly shown in the picture. I just follow last week’s menu.
If you are interested in my exercise record template and operational details, feel free to leave a comment!
2.2 HIIT High-Intensity Interval Training
HIIT is a very time-efficient and effective way to exercise. By alternating between high-intensity exercise and low-intensity rest in a short period, you can quickly burn calories and improve cardiorespiratory function.
Andrew Huberman’s HIIT menu inspired me. His HIIT menu involves cycling (spinning) sprints for 20–30 seconds + 10 seconds of rest, for 8–12 rounds, taking only 5–8 minutes in total.
A few minutes of HIIT, in the long run, will strengthen cardiorespiratory function and improve muscle endurance. This is exactly what I need. I’m weak in long-distance running (but enjoy the process). I can’t run fast for long, but if I want to run for a long time, I have to slow down. If the speed is too low, I feel useless and unaccomplished.
What I want to do now is to use the exercise planning function of the Apple Watch to mimic and adjust Andrew Huberman’s HIIT menu and apply it to running training, hoping to develop strong cardiorespiratory endurance!
If you want to try HIIT, I recommend a very beginner-friendly video that allows you to experience HIIT in just 10 minutes! (It’s a bit tiring at first, but it gets better later.)
2.3 Indoor Pull-Up Bar
While researching James Clear’s exercise menu, I was attracted by a piece of equipment he recommended: the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym Pro, which can serve as an indoor pull-up bar and also assist in sit-ups.
There are two reasons why it attracted me. The first is that pull-ups can train many muscle groups at once, offering high value for the effort. Usually, you have to go to a park to find a pull-up bar, but with an indoor pull-up bar, you can do it anytime you want.
The second reason is that many indoor pull-up bars on the market require wall mounting, which is troublesome to install. Or they use tension to fit into the door frame, which is a bit dangerous and takes up space. The indoor pull-up bar recommended by James Clear can be directly hung on the door frame and can be put away after training.
The only downside is the high price, costing over 1200 bucks on Amazon. However, I found similar products on Shopee for just a few hundred dollars. I’ll supplement my thoughts after purchasing it.
3. Brain Maintenance
3.1 Importance of Sleep
Tim Ferriss, James Clear, and Andrew Huberman all place great importance on sleep, which is the foundation of life quality. There are four common factors for good sleep quality: light, sound, temperature, and diet.
- No light during sleep, blackout curtains are used.
- The sleeping environment must be quiet, white noise machines are used.
- The sleeping environment must be cool, temperature-controlled mattresses are used, set at 18°C.
- Avoid eating or drinking before sleep to prevent digestive system interference.
For more detailed scientific methods on how to get a good night’s sleep and fully rest your brain, please refer to this article: “How to Improve Sleep Quality? Scientifically Proven, 6 Sleep Techniques You Can Use Tonight.”
3.2 Caffeine Intake
You might ask, “I drink coffee regularly, why haven’t I become a genius?” Indeed, becoming a genius is not that simple, but even the way these experts consume caffeine is meticulous and methodical.
- Drink coffee two hours after waking up.
- Don’t drink coffee after noon.
By following these two points, you can maximize the energizing effects of caffeine without harming your body.
3.3 Cold Baths
Both Tim Ferriss and Andrew Huberman have the habit of taking cold, or rather, ice baths. The temperature is around 10°C, and they alternate it with hot saunas. However, for ordinary people who can’t afford ice baths or saunas at home, the alternative is cold showers.
3.4 Supplements
Supplements are popular not only in Taiwan but also abroad. Tim Ferriss, James Clear, and Andrew Huberman all have their own list of supplements. I’ve compiled two that are easily available in Taiwan (via iHerb) and are primarily used to boost daily vitality:
- Creatine: Apart from proven benefits in exercise performance and muscle growth, Andrew Huberman considers it a supplement for cognitive enhancement.
- Opti-Men Multivitamins: This is a product that Andrew Huberman has been taking for a long time. The brand is Optimum Nutrition, a well-known whey brand. Even though Andrew Huberman has his own supplement brand, he still recommends a competitor’s product, which I think speaks to its safety.
4. Bonus
Tim Ferriss, James Clear, and Andrew Huberman have more daily habits than just these. Here are three more daily habits that you might already know, but these three also practice:
- 16:8 fasting, 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating in a day, helps reduce calorie intake and boost metabolism. This might be the easiest healthy eating method for most people.
- Journaling: Writing down things you’re grateful for, three things to do tomorrow, and free writing. Using words to clear your mind and emotions is simple yet effective.
- Reading before bed: All three read for 30 to 60 minutes before going to sleep.
This is the last habit I highly recommend! First, it keeps you away from the blue light of your phone (helps with sleep). Second, it relaxes you and sets the mood for sleep (also helps with sleep). Third, it increases your reading volume. If you’re reading a book you’re very interested in, you’re putting in minimal effort for maximum gain.
Wrap Up
I used to be fascinated by the daily habits of so-called successful people. Then I became disdainful of people who only imitated habits, because experience told me that this would not lead to success! So why am I writing this article now? After coming full circle, I realized that these habits are useful, but the more important lesson is that habits ultimately need to serve personal goals or visions to truly be effective. Merely imitating surface habits is useless.
The past me never thought about why I was imitating these habits. Good sleep, good exercise, and good caffeine management will indeed give us a clear mind and abundant energy, but we still have to face another question: We’re full of energy, but what should we do?
If you’ve already found what you want to do, then I hope the daily habits shared in this article can bring you into a better state to strive for a better quality of life. But if you’re like the past me, not knowing what you really want to do, you might want to read this article first, prioritize establishing good daily habits, and nourish your spirit. Only then will you have the luxury to think, explore, try, and find out what you should really be focusing on.
Good habits are just tools to help us reach our destination. For habits to be effective, there must be a vision you want to achieve.
Take Away
- Work habits: Enough time, proper posture, continuous learning with notes.
- Exercise habits: 4 hours of weight training per week, combined with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and tools.
- Brain maintenance: Importance of sleep, caffeine intake (with technique), supplements as aids.
- Bonus: Reading before bed, killing three birds with one stone.
If you like this article, please give me a thumbs up, it’s the greatest encouragement for me!